Postcode Area DG

Postcode Area DG covers the areas in Dumfries and Galloway. There is a total of about 7660 postcodes in DG out of which 6816 postcodes are active and deliverable. DG has an approximate population of 151139 and 67885 households. DG contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 30 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in DG.

30 Active Districts in Postcode Area DG

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
DG1 Dumfries Dumfriesshire 26655 11981 1263 1029
DG2 Dumfries Dumfriesshire 24342 10635 954 869
DG3 Thornhill Dumfriesshire 4814 2140 295 267
DG4 Sanquhar Dumfriesshire 4632 2040 202 172
DG5 Dalbeattie Kirkcudbrightshire 5245 2496 234 216
DG6 Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbrightshire 5188 2386 292 266
DG7 Castle Douglas Kirkcudbrightshire 12227 5555 735 678
DG8 Newton Stewart Wigtownshire 12948 5923 928 835
DG9 Stranraer Wigtownshire 16349 7531 900 805
DG10 Moffat Dumfriesshire 3947 1805 245 214
DG11 Lockerbie Dumfriesshire 13272 5814 710 644
DG12 Annan Dumfriesshire 13145 5845 504 463
DG13 Langholm Dumfriesshire 2958 1406 160 139
DG14 Canonbie Dumfriesshire 1375 576 84 77
DG16 Gretna Dumfriesshire 4042 1752 154 142
DG1 Dumfries Dumfriesshire 26655 11981 1263 1029
DG2 Dumfries Dumfriesshire 24342 10635 954 869
DG3 Thornhill Dumfriesshire 4814 2140 295 267
DG4 Sanquhar Dumfriesshire 4632 2040 202 172
DG5 Dalbeattie Kirkcudbrightshire 5245 2496 234 216
DG6 Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbrightshire 5188 2386 292 266
DG7 Castle Douglas Kirkcudbrightshire 12227 5555 735 678
DG8 Newton Stewart Wigtownshire 12948 5923 928 835
DG9 Stranraer Wigtownshire 16349 7531 900 805
DG10 Moffat Dumfriesshire 3947 1805 245 214
DG11 Lockerbie Dumfriesshire 13272 5814 710 644
DG12 Annan Dumfriesshire 13145 5845 504 463
DG13 Langholm Dumfriesshire 2958 1406 160 139
DG14 Canonbie Dumfriesshire 1375 576 84 77
DG16 Gretna Dumfriesshire 4042 1752 154 142