Postcode Area DH

Postcode Area DH covers the areas in Durham. There is a total of about 11267 postcodes in DH out of which 8907 postcodes are active and deliverable. DH has an approximate population of 309030 and 132814 households. DH contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 24 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in DH.

24 Active Districts in Postcode Area DH

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
DH1 Durham County Durham 49987 18109 1921 1281
DH2 Chester-le-Street, Ouston, Pelton, Birtley County Durham 30650 13551 848 694
DH3 Chester-le-Street, Great Lumley, Birtley County Durham 25799 11465 1054 749
DH4 Houghton-le-Spring Sunderland 33367 14223 1116 898
DH5 Houghton-le-Spring, Hetton-le-Hole Sunderland 19570 8681 636 520
DH6 Thornley, Coxhoe County Durham 33466 14770 1144 1005
DH7 Brandon, Lanchester, Esh Winning, Burnhope, Langley Park, Sacriston, Ushaw Moor County Durham 41076 18549 1428 1232
DH8 Consett, Ebchester County Durham 38382 16986 1681 1308
DH9 Dipton, Stanley County Durham 36733 16480 1401 1193
DH97 Durham County Durham 4 3
DH98 Durham County Durham 3 3
DH99 Durham County Durham 31 21
DH1 Durham County Durham 49987 18109 1921 1281
DH2 Chester-le-Street, Ouston, Pelton, Birtley County Durham 30650 13551 848 694
DH3 Chester-le-Street, Great Lumley, Birtley County Durham 25799 11465 1054 749
DH4 Houghton-le-Spring Sunderland 33367 14223 1116 898
DH5 Houghton-le-Spring, Hetton-le-Hole Sunderland 19570 8681 636 520
DH6 Thornley, Coxhoe County Durham 33466 14770 1144 1005
DH7 Brandon, Lanchester, Esh Winning, Burnhope, Langley Park, Sacriston, Ushaw Moor County Durham 41076 18549 1428 1232
DH8 Consett, Ebchester County Durham 38382 16986 1681 1308
DH9 Dipton, Stanley County Durham 36733 16480 1401 1193
DH97 Durham County Durham 4 3
DH98 Durham County Durham 3 3
DH99 Durham County Durham 31 21