Postcode Area DT

Postcode Area DT covers the areas in Dorchester. There is a total of about 9577 postcodes in DT out of which 7735 postcodes are active and deliverable. DT has an approximate population of 212796 and 93053 households. DT contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 22 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in DT.

22 Active Districts in Postcode Area DT

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
DT1 Dorchester West Dorset 19063 8451 1036 759
DT2 Dorchester West Dorset 24674 10688 1253 1102
DT3 Weymouth Weymouth and Portland 23389 10201 761 661
DT4 Weymouth Weymouth and Portland 37011 16645 1443 1011
DT5 Portland Weymouth and Portland 12844 5175 385 302
DT6 Bridport West Dorset 21669 10168 1184 995
DT7 Lyme Regis West Dorset 5462 2542 333 281
DT8 Beaminster West Dorset 5893 2738 267 229
DT9 Sherborne West Dorset 20768 9121 1068 876
DT10 Sturminster Newton North Dorset 11901 5209 536 441
DT11 Blandford Forum North Dorset 30122 12115 1311 1078
DT1 Dorchester West Dorset 19063 8451 1036 759
DT2 Dorchester West Dorset 24674 10688 1253 1102
DT3 Weymouth Weymouth and Portland 23389 10201 761 661
DT4 Weymouth Weymouth and Portland 37011 16645 1443 1011
DT5 Portland Weymouth and Portland 12844 5175 385 302
DT6 Bridport West Dorset 21669 10168 1184 995
DT7 Lyme Regis West Dorset 5462 2542 333 281
DT8 Beaminster West Dorset 5893 2738 267 229
DT9 Sherborne West Dorset 20768 9121 1068 876
DT10 Sturminster Newton North Dorset 11901 5209 536 441
DT11 Blandford Forum North Dorset 30122 12115 1311 1078