Postcode Area KY

Postcode Area KY covers the areas in Kirkcaldy. There is a total of about 12937 postcodes in KY out of which 10000 postcodes are active and deliverable. KY has an approximate population of 363956 and 160089 households. KY contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 34 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in KY.

34 Active Districts in Postcode Area KY

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
KY1 Kirkcaldy Fife 25212 12367 1009 779
KY2 Kirkcaldy Fife 30604 13611 748 626
KY3 Burntisland Fife 11093 5063 413 338
KY4 Cowdenbeath Fife 21227 9528 566 497
KY5 Lochgelly Fife 20192 8900 523 465
KY6 Glenrothes Fife 18819 8299 537 463
KY7 Glenrothes Fife 27949 12099 1217 805
KY8 Leven Fife 34495 15966 1091 967
KY9 Leven Fife 1876 897 139 119
KY10 Anstruther Fife 8806 4144 414 383
KY11 Dunfermline Fife 60570 25500 2027 1357
KY12 Dunfermline Fife 39117 17606 1438 1103
KY13 Kinross Kinross-Shire 10652 4467 802 385
KY14 Cupar Fife 6834 3038 296 270
KY15 Cupar Fife 21673 9503 852 740
KY16 Saint Andrews Fife 24837 9101 840 688
KY99 Dunfermline Fife 25 15
KY1 Kirkcaldy Fife 25212 12367 1009 779
KY2 Kirkcaldy Fife 30604 13611 748 626
KY3 Burntisland Fife 11093 5063 413 338
KY4 Cowdenbeath Fife 21227 9528 566 497
KY5 Lochgelly Fife 20192 8900 523 465
KY6 Glenrothes Fife 18819 8299 537 463
KY7 Glenrothes Fife 27949 12099 1217 805
KY8 Leven Fife 34495 15966 1091 967
KY9 Leven Fife 1876 897 139 119
KY10 Anstruther Fife 8806 4144 414 383
KY11 Dunfermline Fife 60570 25500 2027 1357
KY12 Dunfermline Fife 39117 17606 1438 1103
KY13 Kinross Kinross-Shire 10652 4467 802 385
KY14 Cupar Fife 6834 3038 296 270
KY15 Cupar Fife 21673 9503 852 740
KY16 Saint Andrews Fife 24837 9101 840 688
KY99 Dunfermline Fife 25 15