Postcode Area TQ

Postcode Area TQ covers the areas in Torquay. There is a total of about 12937 postcodes in TQ out of which 9927 postcodes are active and deliverable. TQ has an approximate population of 281112 and 125365 households. TQ contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 28 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in TQ.

28 Active Districts in Postcode Area TQ

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
TQ1 Torquay (centre), St Marychurch Torbay 31261 14766 1390 920
TQ2 Torquay (west, north) Torbay 34088 14796 1239 929
TQ3 Paignton (north), Preston Torbay 30796 13425 959 757
TQ4 Paignton (centre), Goodrington Torbay 18517 8480 869 593
TQ5 Brixham Torbay 19058 8785 820 656
TQ6 Dartmouth South Hams 8259 3947 547 437
TQ7 Kingsbridge South Hams 16304 7593 1053 897
TQ8 Salcombe South Hams 2059 1030 212 179
TQ9 Totnes South Hams 17436 7819 1149 907
TQ10 South Brent South Hams 3777 1600 201 170
TQ11 Buckfastleigh Teignbridge 4255 1831 184 159
TQ12 Newton Abbot, Kingsteignton Teignbridge 53132 22428 2256 1662
TQ13 Ashburton, Bovey Tracey, Chudleigh, Moretonhampstead, Widecombe in the Moor Teignbridge 22793 9951 1220 993
TQ14 Teignmouth Teignbridge 19377 8914 838 668
TQ1 Torquay (centre), St Marychurch Torbay 31261 14766 1390 920
TQ2 Torquay (west, north) Torbay 34088 14796 1239 929
TQ3 Paignton (north), Preston Torbay 30796 13425 959 757
TQ4 Paignton (centre), Goodrington Torbay 18517 8480 869 593
TQ5 Brixham Torbay 19058 8785 820 656
TQ6 Dartmouth South Hams 8259 3947 547 437
TQ7 Kingsbridge South Hams 16304 7593 1053 897
TQ8 Salcombe South Hams 2059 1030 212 179
TQ9 Totnes South Hams 17436 7819 1149 907
TQ10 South Brent South Hams 3777 1600 201 170
TQ11 Buckfastleigh Teignbridge 4255 1831 184 159
TQ12 Newton Abbot, Kingsteignton Teignbridge 53132 22428 2256 1662
TQ13 Ashburton, Bovey Tracey, Chudleigh, Moretonhampstead, Widecombe in the Moor Teignbridge 22793 9951 1220 993
TQ14 Teignmouth Teignbridge 19377 8914 838 668