Postcode Area ZE

Postcode Area ZE covers the areas in Lerwick. There is a total of about 740 postcodes in ZE out of which 647 postcodes are active and deliverable. ZE has an approximate population of 23086 and 9915 households. ZE contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 6 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in ZE.

6 Active Districts in Postcode Area ZE

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
ZE1 Lerwick, Scalloway Shetland 8445 3862 392 330
ZE2 Shetland Shetland 14209 5845 335 305
ZE3 Bush Shetland 432 208 13 12
ZE1 Lerwick, Scalloway Shetland 8445 3862 392 330
ZE2 Shetland Shetland 14209 5845 335 305
ZE3 Bush Shetland 432 208 13 12