Postcode District EH2

Postcode District EH2 is located in the region of Edinburgh and covers the areas of New Town. There are about 792 postcodes in EH2 out of which 241 are active.

2011 Census Summary for EH2

EH2 Postcode District has an approximate population of 870 and 426 households.

Sector EH2 4

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
EH2 4 322 148 244 72

Postcodes in Sector EH2 4

Sector EH2 3

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
EH2 3 184 95 155 37

Postcodes in Sector EH2 3

Sector EH2 2

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
EH2 2 139 59 213 70

Postcodes in Sector EH2 2

Sector EH2 9

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
EH2 9 7 3

Postcodes in Sector EH2 9

Sector EH2 1

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
EH2 1 225 124 173 59

Postcodes in Sector EH2 1