Postcode District GU17

Postcode District GU17 is located in the region of Hart and covers the areas of Blackwater, Hawley, Minley, Darby Green, Frogmore, Blackbushe. There are about 992 postcodes in GU17 out of which 280 are active.

2011 Census Summary for GU17

GU17 Postcode District has an approximate population of 10884 and 4088 households.

Sector GU17 0

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
GU17 0 7252 2680 227 161

Postcodes in Sector GU17 0

Sector GU17 9

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
GU17 9 3632 1408 184 119

Postcodes in Sector GU17 9

Inactive Sectors in District gu17

Sector Postcodes Active Postcodes
GU17 7 372 0
GU17 8 208 0
GU17 3 1 0