Postcode District LS1

Postcode District LS1 is located in the region of Leeds and covers the areas of Leeds city centre. There are about 1620 postcodes in LS1 out of which 582 are active.

2011 Census Summary for LS1

LS1 Postcode District has an approximate population of 3887 and 2138 households.

Sector LS1 6

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 6 385 266 200 86

Postcodes in Sector LS1 6

Sector LS1 8

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 8 53 10

Postcodes in Sector LS1 8

Sector LS1 5

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 5 343 229 256 72

Postcodes in Sector LS1 5

Sector LS1 2

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 2 200 140 289 83

Postcodes in Sector LS1 2

Sector LS1 3

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 3 369 189 95 39

Postcodes in Sector LS1 3

Sector LS1 9

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 9 283 147

Postcodes in Sector LS1 9

Sector LS1 1

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 1 167 30

Postcodes in Sector LS1 1

Sector LS1 7

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 7 108 67 22 7

Postcodes in Sector LS1 7

Sector LS1 4

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
LS1 4 2482 1247 255 108

Postcodes in Sector LS1 4