Postcode District NE13

Postcode District NE13 is located in the region of Newcastle and covers the areas of Airport, Wideopen, Dinnington. There are about 471 postcodes in NE13 out of which 386 are active.

2011 Census Summary for NE13

NE13 Postcode District has an approximate population of 12472 and 5705 households.

Sector NE13 6

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
NE13 6 5509 2651 171 145

Postcodes in Sector NE13 6

Sector NE13 7

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
NE13 7 5420 2428 183 142

Postcodes in Sector NE13 7

Sector NE13 8

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
NE13 8 736 316 49 34

Postcodes in Sector NE13 8

Sector NE13 9

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
NE13 9 807 310 68 65

Postcodes in Sector NE13 9