Postcode Area BL

Postcode Area BL covers the areas in Bolton. There is a total of about 13724 postcodes in BL out of which 10279 postcodes are active and deliverable. BL has an approximate population of 379929 and 159979 households. BL contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 24 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in BL.

24 Active Districts in Postcode Area BL

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
BL0 Bury, Ramsbottom, Edenfield, Shuttleworth Bury 17204 7480 656 552
BL1 Bolton, Smithills, Halliwell, Heaton Bolton 63209 26997 2802 1860
BL2 Bolton, Ainsworth, Bradley Fold, Bradshaw, Breightmet, Harwood, Tonge Fold, Tonge Moor Bolton 46068 20113 1441 1138
BL3 Bolton, Little Lever Bolton 63944 25000 1787 1363
BL4 Bolton, Farnworth, Kearsley Bolton 33688 14377 1042 838
BL5 Bolton, Over Hulton, Westhoughton Bolton 27064 11499 800 656
BL6 Bolton, Blackrod, Horwich, Lostock, Rivington Bolton 29345 12649 1330 994
BL7 Bolton, Belmont, Bromley Cross, Chapeltown, Edgworth, Egerton, Turton Bolton 15290 6519 609 504
BL8 Bury, Brandlesholme, Greenmount, Affetside, Hawkshaw, Holcombe, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Walshaw Bury 36175 15036 1463 1023
BL9 Bury, Heap, Heap Bridge, Nangreaves, Summerseat, Unsworth, Walmersley Bury 47942 20309 1749 1310
BL11 Bolton Bolton 31 31
BL78 Bolton Bolton 14 10
BL0 Bury, Ramsbottom, Edenfield, Shuttleworth Bury 17204 7480 656 552
BL1 Bolton, Smithills, Halliwell, Heaton Bolton 63209 26997 2802 1860
BL2 Bolton, Ainsworth, Bradley Fold, Bradshaw, Breightmet, Harwood, Tonge Fold, Tonge Moor Bolton 46068 20113 1441 1138
BL3 Bolton, Little Lever Bolton 63944 25000 1787 1363
BL4 Bolton, Farnworth, Kearsley Bolton 33688 14377 1042 838
BL5 Bolton, Over Hulton, Westhoughton Bolton 27064 11499 800 656
BL6 Bolton, Blackrod, Horwich, Lostock, Rivington Bolton 29345 12649 1330 994
BL7 Bolton, Belmont, Bromley Cross, Chapeltown, Edgworth, Egerton, Turton Bolton 15290 6519 609 504
BL8 Bury, Brandlesholme, Greenmount, Affetside, Hawkshaw, Holcombe, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Walshaw Bury 36175 15036 1463 1023
BL9 Bury, Heap, Heap Bridge, Nangreaves, Summerseat, Unsworth, Walmersley Bury 47942 20309 1749 1310
BL11 Bolton Bolton 31 31
BL78 Bolton Bolton 14 10