Postcode Area CA

Postcode Area CA covers the areas in Carlisle. There is a total of about 15938 postcodes in CA out of which 12496 postcodes are active and deliverable. CA has an approximate population of 318114 and 140587 households. CA contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 60 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in CA.

60 Active Districts in Postcode Area CA

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
CA1 Carlisle East Carlisle 24515 11271 945 657
CA2 Carlisle South West Carlisle 39655 18209 1108 919
CA3 Carlisle North Carlisle 14069 6163 767 527
CA4 Warwick Bridge, Wetheral, Cumwhinton, Armathwaite Carlisle 9189 4014 637 448
CA5 Dalston, Burgh by Sands Carlisle 6757 2859 1129 329
CA6 Longtown, Bewcastle Carlisle 8861 3744 803 500
CA7 Wigton, Silloth, Aspatria, Caldbeck, Hesket Newmarket Allerdale 23057 9871 1311 1209
CA8 Brampton, Gilsland, Greenhead, Slaggyford Carlisle 10213 4536 675 603
CA9 Alston, Garrigill, Nenthead Eden 2138 1016 200 177
CA10 Penrith Carleton Hall area, Shap, Tebay, Langwathby, Lazonby, Pooley Bridge Eden 13928 5912 733 658
CA11 Penrith, Stainton, Mungrisdale, Glenridding, Patterdale Eden 22135 9790 1289 1062
CA12 Keswick, Seatoller, Braithwaite, Bassenthwaite, Threlkeld Allerdale 8047 3527 538 458
CA13 Cockermouth, Lorton, Buttermere Allerdale 15012 6629 701 580
CA14 Workington, Distington, Seaton Allerdale 35832 16070 1543 1293
CA15 Maryport, Dearham, Flimby, Allonby Allerdale 16110 7014 648 566
CA16 Appleby-in-Westmorland Eden 6187 2762 289 259
CA17 Kirkby Stephen, Brough, Ravenstonedale Eden 4827 2133 250 220
CA18 Ravenglass Copeland 324 159 28 25
CA19 Holmrook, Santon Bridge, Eskdale Copeland 1112 470 70 67
CA20 Seascale, Sellafield, Gosforth, Wasdale Head Copeland 3312 1510 224 196
CA21 Beckermet Copeland 814 359 40 37
CA22 Egremont, Thornhill Copeland 9284 4074 307 269
CA23 Ennerdale Bridge Copeland 1492 651 74 68
CA24 Moor Row Copeland 1036 428 44 37
CA25 Cleator Moor Copeland 6091 2694 245 218
CA26 Frizington, Croasdale Copeland 3608 1596 121 110
CA27 Saint Bees Copeland 1660 679 64 54
CA28 Whitehaven, Sandwith Copeland 28849 12447 1143 942
CA95 Non-geographic Allerdale 6 4
CA99 Non-geographic Carlisle 6 4
CA1 Carlisle East Carlisle 24515 11271 945 657
CA2 Carlisle South West Carlisle 39655 18209 1108 919
CA3 Carlisle North Carlisle 14069 6163 767 527
CA4 Warwick Bridge, Wetheral, Cumwhinton, Armathwaite Carlisle 9189 4014 637 448
CA5 Dalston, Burgh by Sands Carlisle 6757 2859 1129 329
CA6 Longtown, Bewcastle Carlisle 8861 3744 803 500
CA7 Wigton, Silloth, Aspatria, Caldbeck, Hesket Newmarket Allerdale 23057 9871 1311 1209
CA8 Brampton, Gilsland, Greenhead, Slaggyford Carlisle 10213 4536 675 603
CA9 Alston, Garrigill, Nenthead Eden 2138 1016 200 177
CA10 Penrith Carleton Hall area, Shap, Tebay, Langwathby, Lazonby, Pooley Bridge Eden 13928 5912 733 658
CA11 Penrith, Stainton, Mungrisdale, Glenridding, Patterdale Eden 22135 9790 1289 1062
CA12 Keswick, Seatoller, Braithwaite, Bassenthwaite, Threlkeld Allerdale 8047 3527 538 458
CA13 Cockermouth, Lorton, Buttermere Allerdale 15012 6629 701 580
CA14 Workington, Distington, Seaton Allerdale 35832 16070 1543 1293
CA15 Maryport, Dearham, Flimby, Allonby Allerdale 16110 7014 648 566
CA16 Appleby-in-Westmorland Eden 6187 2762 289 259
CA17 Kirkby Stephen, Brough, Ravenstonedale Eden 4827 2133 250 220
CA18 Ravenglass Copeland 324 159 28 25
CA19 Holmrook, Santon Bridge, Eskdale Copeland 1112 470 70 67
CA20 Seascale, Sellafield, Gosforth, Wasdale Head Copeland 3312 1510 224 196
CA21 Beckermet Copeland 814 359 40 37
CA22 Egremont, Thornhill Copeland 9284 4074 307 269
CA23 Ennerdale Bridge Copeland 1492 651 74 68
CA24 Moor Row Copeland 1036 428 44 37
CA25 Cleator Moor Copeland 6091 2694 245 218
CA26 Frizington, Croasdale Copeland 3608 1596 121 110
CA27 Saint Bees Copeland 1660 679 64 54
CA28 Whitehaven, Sandwith Copeland 28849 12447 1143 942
CA95 Non-geographic Allerdale 6 4
CA99 Non-geographic Carlisle 6 4