Postcode Area CR

Postcode Area CR covers the areas in Croydon. There is a total of about 14317 postcodes in CR out of which 7998 postcodes are active and deliverable. CR has an approximate population of 405236 and 158695 households. CR contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 22 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in CR.

22 Active Districts in Postcode Area CR

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
CR0 Croydon, Addiscombe, Shirley, Addington, New Addington, Forestdale, Waddon Croydon 153812 61886 2771 2649
CR2 South Croydon, Sanderstead, Selsdon, Addington Croydon 48428 19826 2121 989
CR3 Caterham, Whyteleafe, Chaldon, Woldingham Croydon 28794 11694 1901 772
CR4 Mitcham, Beddington Corner Merton 58289 21586 1985 907
CR5 Coulsdon, Chipstead, Woodmansterne Croydon 28766 11048 978 667
CR6 Warlingham, Chelsham, Farleigh Croydon 9881 4038 337 247
CR7 Thornton Heath Croydon 44620 16261 942 616
CR8 Purley, Kenley Croydon 32307 12331 1087 761
CR9 Non-geographic Croydon 339 25 1909 306
CR44 Non-geographic Croydon 58 19
CR90 Non-geographic Croydon 228 65
CR0 Croydon, Addiscombe, Shirley, Addington, New Addington, Forestdale, Waddon Croydon 153812 61886 2771 2649
CR2 South Croydon, Sanderstead, Selsdon, Addington Croydon 48428 19826 2121 989
CR3 Caterham, Whyteleafe, Chaldon, Woldingham Croydon 28794 11694 1901 772
CR4 Mitcham, Beddington Corner Merton 58289 21586 1985 907
CR5 Coulsdon, Chipstead, Woodmansterne Croydon 28766 11048 978 667
CR6 Warlingham, Chelsham, Farleigh Croydon 9881 4038 337 247
CR7 Thornton Heath Croydon 44620 16261 942 616
CR8 Purley, Kenley Croydon 32307 12331 1087 761
CR9 Non-geographic Croydon 339 25 1909 306
CR44 Non-geographic Croydon 58 19
CR90 Non-geographic Croydon 228 65