Postcode Area HA

Postcode Area HA covers the areas in Harrow. There is a total of about 17137 postcodes in HA out of which 10310 postcodes are active and deliverable. HA has an approximate population of 480678 and 169132 households. HA contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 20 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in HA.

20 Active Districts in Postcode Area HA

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
HA0 Alperton, Sudbury, Sudbury Hill, Wembley Central, North Wembley Harrow 48931 15105 1565 859
HA1 Harrow, North Harrow, Northwick Park Harrow 38479 14194 1695 939
HA2 North Harrow, South Harrow Harrow 55524 19282 1582 983
HA3 Harrow Weald, Kenton, Wealdstone Harrow 70816 23420 2056 1295
HA4 Ruislip Hillingdon 50128 19453 1759 1157
HA5 Pinner, Eastcote, Hatch End, Carpenders Park Harrow 44781 17582 1836 1140
HA6 Northwood, Moor Park, Sandy Lodge Hillingdon 21901 8809 1080 738
HA7 Stanmore Harrow 36046 12760 1434 873
HA8 Edgware Harrow 66380 22939 2296 1431
HA9 Wembley, Wembley Park, Wembley Central, Preston, Tokyngton Brent 47692 15588 1834 895
HA0 Alperton, Sudbury, Sudbury Hill, Wembley Central, North Wembley Harrow 48931 15105 1565 859
HA1 Harrow, North Harrow, Northwick Park Harrow 38479 14194 1695 939
HA2 North Harrow, South Harrow Harrow 55524 19282 1582 983
HA3 Harrow Weald, Kenton, Wealdstone Harrow 70816 23420 2056 1295
HA4 Ruislip Hillingdon 50128 19453 1759 1157
HA5 Pinner, Eastcote, Hatch End, Carpenders Park Harrow 44781 17582 1836 1140
HA6 Northwood, Moor Park, Sandy Lodge Hillingdon 21901 8809 1080 738
HA7 Stanmore Harrow 36046 12760 1434 873
HA8 Edgware Harrow 66380 22939 2296 1431
HA9 Wembley, Wembley Park, Wembley Central, Preston, Tokyngton Brent 47692 15588 1834 895