Postcode Area HG

Postcode Area HG covers the areas in Harrogate. There is a total of about 6196 postcodes in HG out of which 4377 postcodes are active and deliverable. HG has an approximate population of 138214 and 59455 households. HG contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 10 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in HG.

10 Active Districts in Postcode Area HG

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
HG1 Harrogate Harrogate 34465 15579 1718 969
HG2 Harrogate Harrogate 33033 14105 1022 733
HG3 Pannal, High Meadows, Killinghall, Spofforth, Bishop Monkton, Glasshouses Harrogate 26342 11026 1404 1128
HG4 North Stainley, High Grantley Ripon 26000 10933 1237 976
HG5 Scotton, Knaresborough Harrogate 18374 7812 815 571
HG1 Harrogate Harrogate 34465 15579 1718 969
HG2 Harrogate Harrogate 33033 14105 1022 733
HG3 Pannal, High Meadows, Killinghall, Spofforth, Bishop Monkton, Glasshouses Harrogate 26342 11026 1404 1128
HG4 North Stainley, High Grantley Ripon 26000 10933 1237 976
HG5 Scotton, Knaresborough Harrogate 18374 7812 815 571