Postcode Area KW

Postcode Area KW covers the areas in Kirkwall. There is a total of about 2084 postcodes in KW out of which 1824 postcodes are active and deliverable. KW has an approximate population of 53132 and 24290 households. KW contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 32 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in KW.

32 Active Districts in Postcode Area KW

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
KW1 Wick Highland 11067 4938 417 354
KW2 Lybster Highland 74 35 2 2
KW3 Lybster Highland 1043 458 41 36
KW5 Latheron Highland 310 133 13 12
KW6 Dunbeath Highland 356 186 17 17
KW7 Berriedale Highland 96 57 5 5
KW8 Helmsdale Highland 819 424 43 38
KW9 Brora Highland 1765 848 82 71
KW10 Golspie Highland 1661 744 69 59
KW11 Kinbrace Highland 104 49 6 6
KW12 Halkirk Highland 1666 724 54 47
KW13 Forsinard Highland 91 45 2 2
KW14 Thurso Highland 12802 5951 511 457
KW15 Kirkwall Orkney Islands 8355 3877 417 350
KW16 Stromness Orkney Islands 3791 1811 153 141
KW17 Orkney Orkney Islands 9132 4010 252 227
KW1 Wick Highland 11067 4938 417 354
KW2 Lybster Highland 74 35 2 2
KW3 Lybster Highland 1043 458 41 36
KW5 Latheron Highland 310 133 13 12
KW6 Dunbeath Highland 356 186 17 17
KW7 Berriedale Highland 96 57 5 5
KW8 Helmsdale Highland 819 424 43 38
KW9 Brora Highland 1765 848 82 71
KW10 Golspie Highland 1661 744 69 59
KW11 Kinbrace Highland 104 49 6 6
KW12 Halkirk Highland 1666 724 54 47
KW13 Forsinard Highland 91 45 2 2
KW14 Thurso Highland 12802 5951 511 457
KW15 Kirkwall Orkney Islands 8355 3877 417 350
KW16 Stromness Orkney Islands 3791 1811 153 141
KW17 Orkney Orkney Islands 9132 4010 252 227