Postcode Area TF

Postcode Area TF covers the areas in Telford. There is a total of about 8983 postcodes in TF out of which 6842 postcodes are active and deliverable. TF has an approximate population of 212536 and 85637 households. TF contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 26 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in TF.

26 Active Districts in Postcode Area TF

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
TF1 Wellington Telford and Wrekin 37279 15072 1769 1051
TF2 Priorslee Telford and Wrekin 38698 15628 1399 1096
TF3 Randlay, Hollinswood Telford and Wrekin 23831 9095 857 624
TF4 Dawley Telford and Wrekin 18285 7522 608 535
TF5 Telford Telford and Wrekin 5372 1982 138 118
TF6 Wrockwardine, Telford Telford and Wrekin 5183 2085 334 279
TF7 Madeley, Sutton Hill Telford and Wrekin 17769 7173 762 507
TF8 Telford Telford and Wrekin 3027 1339 209 169
TF9 Market Drayton Shropshire 25488 10222 1180 986
TF10 Newport Telford and Wrekin 18828 7353 742 614
TF11 Shifnal Shropshire 9677 4230 502 428
TF12 Broseley Shropshire 5378 2324 257 233
TF13 Much Wenlock Shropshire 3721 1612 226 202
TF1 Wellington Telford and Wrekin 37279 15072 1769 1051
TF2 Priorslee Telford and Wrekin 38698 15628 1399 1096
TF3 Randlay, Hollinswood Telford and Wrekin 23831 9095 857 624
TF4 Dawley Telford and Wrekin 18285 7522 608 535
TF5 Telford Telford and Wrekin 5372 1982 138 118
TF6 Wrockwardine, Telford Telford and Wrekin 5183 2085 334 279
TF7 Madeley, Sutton Hill Telford and Wrekin 17769 7173 762 507
TF8 Telford Telford and Wrekin 3027 1339 209 169
TF9 Market Drayton Shropshire 25488 10222 1180 986
TF10 Newport Telford and Wrekin 18828 7353 742 614
TF11 Shifnal Shropshire 9677 4230 502 428
TF12 Broseley Shropshire 5378 2324 257 233
TF13 Much Wenlock Shropshire 3721 1612 226 202