Postcode Area WC

Postcode Area WC covers the areas in Central London. There is a total of about 7368 postcodes in WC out of which 2739 postcodes are active and deliverable. WC has an approximate population of 35745 and 15757 households. WC contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 28 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in WC.

28 Active Districts in Postcode Area WC

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
WC1A New Oxford Street Camden 911 455 562 161
WC1B Bloomsbury, British Museum Camden 1403 584 453 176
WC1E University College London Camden 2256 770 291 111
WC1H St Pancras Camden 8272 3542 672 327
WC1N Great Ormond Street Hospital Camden 7084 3259 568 282
WC1R Gray's Inn Camden 599 350 330 98
WC1V High Holborn Camden 546 127 401 110
WC1X Kings Cross, Finsbury (west) Camden 8114 3318 654 327
WC2A Lincoln's Inn Fields, Royal Courts of Justice Camden 151 93 435 121
WC2B Drury Lane, Aldwych Camden 1831 953 638 196
WC2E Covent Garden Westminster 647 392 566 184
WC2H Leicester Square Westminster 2932 1485 898 374
WC2N Charing Cross Westminster 861 376 494 154
WC2R Somerset House Westminster 138 53 404 118
WC1A New Oxford Street Camden 911 455 562 161
WC1X Kings Cross, Finsbury (west) Camden 8114 3318 654 327
WC1V High Holborn Camden 546 127 401 110
WC1R Gray's Inn Camden 599 350 330 98
WC1N Great Ormond Street Hospital Camden 7084 3259 568 282
WC1H St Pancras Camden 8272 3542 672 327
WC1E University College London Camden 2256 770 291 111
WC1B Bloomsbury, British Museum Camden 1403 584 453 176
WC2R Somerset House Westminster 138 53 404 118
WC2N Charing Cross Westminster 861 376 494 154
WC2H Leicester Square Westminster 2932 1485 898 374
WC2E Covent Garden Westminster 647 392 566 184
WC2B Drury Lane, Aldwych Camden 1831 953 638 196
WC2A Lincoln's Inn Fields, Royal Courts of Justice Camden 151 93 435 121