Postcode Area WV

Postcode Area WV covers the areas in Wolverhampton. There is a total of about 14058 postcodes in WV out of which 10372 postcodes are active and deliverable. WV has an approximate population of 396187 and 162933 households. WV contains 35 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 36 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in WV.

36 Active Districts in Postcode Area WV

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
WV1 Wolverhampton City Centre, Horseley Fields, East Park Wolverhampton 16423 6559 1488 708
WV2 All Saints , Blakenhall, Parkfields Wolverhampton 15148 5892 722 424
WV3 Finchfield, Compton, Castlecroft Wolverhampton 29731 12689 918 613
WV4 Penn, Warstones, Merry Hill, Parkfields Wolverhampton 34296 13603 927 741
WV5 Wombourne, Wall Heath South Staffordshire 15539 6521 579 458
WV6 Whitmore Reans, Perton, Pattingham, Tettenhall Wolverhampton 44689 18500 1435 1042
WV7 Albrighton Wolverhampton 6897 2600 255 193
WV8 Codsall, Pendeford, Rakegate, Bilbrook Wolverhampton 15926 6751 509 417
WV9 Pendeford Wolverhampton 7108 3112 229 186
WV10 Low Hill, Bushbury, Heath Town, Fordhouses, Fallings Park, Featherstone, Wednesfield, Brinsford Wolverhampton 56292 22476 1431 1125
WV11 Wednesfield Wolverhampton 34832 14792 829 658
WV12 Short Heath, Lodge Farm Wolverhampton 25417 10460 592 505
WV13 Shepwell Green, Willenhall Town Wolverhampton 20903 8440 737 501
WV14 Bradley, Bilston Town Wolverhampton 46937 19207 1334 1002
WV15 Bridgnorth Lower Shropshire 8415 3567 360 291
WV16 Bridgnorth Upper Shropshire 17634 7764 764 564
WV98 Non-geographic Wolverhampton 435 433
WV99 Non-geographic Wolverhampton 514 511
WV1 Wolverhampton City Centre, Horseley Fields, East Park Wolverhampton 16423 6559 1488 708
WV2 All Saints , Blakenhall, Parkfields Wolverhampton 15148 5892 722 424
WV3 Finchfield, Compton, Castlecroft Wolverhampton 29731 12689 918 613
WV4 Penn, Warstones, Merry Hill, Parkfields Wolverhampton 34296 13603 927 741
WV5 Wombourne, Wall Heath South Staffordshire 15539 6521 579 458
WV6 Whitmore Reans, Perton, Pattingham, Tettenhall Wolverhampton 44689 18500 1435 1042
WV7 Albrighton Wolverhampton 6897 2600 255 193
WV8 Codsall, Pendeford, Rakegate, Bilbrook Wolverhampton 15926 6751 509 417
WV9 Pendeford Wolverhampton 7108 3112 229 186
WV10 Low Hill, Bushbury, Heath Town, Fordhouses, Fallings Park, Featherstone, Wednesfield, Brinsford Wolverhampton 56292 22476 1431 1125
WV11 Wednesfield Wolverhampton 34832 14792 829 658
WV12 Short Heath, Lodge Farm Wolverhampton 25417 10460 592 505
WV13 Shepwell Green, Willenhall Town Wolverhampton 20903 8440 737 501
WV14 Bradley, Bilston Town Wolverhampton 46937 19207 1334 1002
WV15 Bridgnorth Lower Shropshire 8415 3567 360 291
WV16 Bridgnorth Upper Shropshire 17634 7764 764 564
WV98 Non-geographic Wolverhampton 435 433
WV99 Non-geographic Wolverhampton 514 511