Postcode District SN1

Postcode District SN1 is located in the region of Swindon and covers the areas of Swindon Centre. There are about 1368 postcodes in SN1 out of which 744 are active.

2011 Census Summary for SN1

SN1 Postcode District has an approximate population of 29453 and 12874 households.

Sector SN1 1

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 1 911 469 269 101

Postcodes in Sector SN1 1

Sector SN1 2

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 2 8598 3125 262 167

Postcodes in Sector SN1 2

Sector SN1 3

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 3 5666 2762 294 156

Postcodes in Sector SN1 3

Sector SN1 4

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 4 7925 3454 244 149

Postcodes in Sector SN1 4

Sector SN1 5

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 5 5477 2696 257 129

Postcodes in Sector SN1 5

Sector SN1 7

Sector Population Households Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 7 876 368 42 42

Postcodes in Sector SN1 7