Postcode Area SN

Postcode Area SN covers the areas in Swindon. There is a total of about 20821 postcodes in SN out of which 14204 postcodes are active and deliverable. SN has an approximate population of 458798 and 191252 households. SN contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 40 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in SN.

40 Active Districts in Postcode Area SN

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
SN1 Swindon Centre Swindon 29453 12874 1368 744
SN2 Swindon Swindon 41193 17662 2146 909
SN3 Swindon, Stratton Swindon 51663 21940 1609 1218
SN4 Wroughton, Chiseldon, Wootton Bassett Swindon 27358 11406 1271 986
SN5 West Swindon Swindon 32957 13664 1686 891
SN6 Cricklade, Ashton Keynes, Highworth, Shrivenham, Watchfield Wiltshire 21218 8847 788 626
SN7 Faringdon Vale of White Horse 13408 5566 673 503
SN8 Marlborough, Burbage Kennet 23983 9906 1260 921
SN9 Pewsey Kennet 8070 3530 430 317
SN10 Devizes Kennet 31537 13297 1523 1178
SN11 Calne Wiltshire 22500 9146 905 727
SN12 Melksham Wiltshire 25105 10454 971 787
SN13 Corsham Wiltshire 16489 6990 803 642
SN14 Chippenham Wiltshire 28067 11078 1339 950
SN15 Chippenham Wiltshire 35164 14191 1693 1329
SN16 Malmesbury Wiltshire 13717 5675 668 512
SN25 Swindon Swindon 35153 14348 857 738
SN26 Blunsdon Swindon 1763 678 56 53
SN38 Swindon Swindon 292 151
SN99 Swindon Swindon 29 22
SN1 Swindon Centre Swindon 29453 12874 1368 744
SN2 Swindon Swindon 41193 17662 2146 909
SN3 Swindon, Stratton Swindon 51663 21940 1609 1218
SN4 Wroughton, Chiseldon, Wootton Bassett Swindon 27358 11406 1271 986
SN5 West Swindon Swindon 32957 13664 1686 891
SN6 Cricklade, Ashton Keynes, Highworth, Shrivenham, Watchfield Wiltshire 21218 8847 788 626
SN7 Faringdon Vale of White Horse 13408 5566 673 503
SN8 Marlborough, Burbage Kennet 23983 9906 1260 921
SN9 Pewsey Kennet 8070 3530 430 317
SN10 Devizes Kennet 31537 13297 1523 1178
SN11 Calne Wiltshire 22500 9146 905 727
SN12 Melksham Wiltshire 25105 10454 971 787
SN13 Corsham Wiltshire 16489 6990 803 642
SN14 Chippenham Wiltshire 28067 11078 1339 950
SN15 Chippenham Wiltshire 35164 14191 1693 1329
SN16 Malmesbury Wiltshire 13717 5675 668 512
SN25 Swindon Swindon 35153 14348 857 738
SN26 Blunsdon Swindon 1763 678 56 53
SN38 Swindon Swindon 292 151
SN99 Swindon Swindon 29 22