Postcode Area HR

Postcode Area HR covers the areas in Hereford. There is a total of about 7765 postcodes in HR out of which 6307 postcodes are active and deliverable. HR has an approximate population of 176308 and 75400 households. HR contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 18 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in HR.

18 Active Districts in Postcode Area HR

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
HR1 Hereford city centre Hereford 32147 13462 1454 1082
HR2 South Hereford Hereford 39167 16167 1445 1269
HR3 West Hereford, Hay on Wye Hereford 7515 3396 489 427
HR4 North Hereford Hereford 29989 12977 1155 890
HR5 Kington Hereford 4823 2093 279 241
HR6 Leominster Hereford 20525 8921 917 775
HR7 Bromyard Hereford 7017 3081 333 277
HR8 Ledbury Hereford 14179 6199 658 555
HR9 Ross-on-Wye Hereford 20946 9104 1035 791
HR1 Hereford city centre Hereford 32147 13462 1454 1082
HR2 South Hereford Hereford 39167 16167 1445 1269
HR3 West Hereford, Hay on Wye Hereford 7515 3396 489 427
HR4 North Hereford Hereford 29989 12977 1155 890
HR5 Kington Hereford 4823 2093 279 241
HR6 Leominster Hereford 20525 8921 917 775
HR7 Bromyard Hereford 7017 3081 333 277
HR8 Ledbury Hereford 14179 6199 658 555
HR9 Ross-on-Wye Hereford 20946 9104 1035 791