Postcode Area LN

Postcode Area LN covers the areas in Lincoln. There is a total of about 11714 postcodes in LN out of which 9052 postcodes are active and deliverable. LN has an approximate population of 293141 and 126372 households. LN contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 26 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in LN.

26 Active Districts in Postcode Area LN

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
LN1 Lincoln city centre, Stow West Lindsey 28261 12211 1067 872
LN2 Nettleham, Ermine & St Giles Estates West Lindsey 38730 16454 1494 1080
LN3 Lincoln Lincoln 8884 3850 596 284
LN4 Branston, Canwick, Coningsby, Dunston, Heighington, Nocton, Washingborough, Timberland, Martin North Kesteven 38539 16126 1306 1065
LN5 Waddon Lincoln 32968 14189 1522 992
LN6 Doddington Park, Birchwood, North/South Hykeham Lincoln 57576 23920 1708 1418
LN7 Market Rasen Lincoln 6042 2610 291 253
LN8 Market Rasen Lincoln 17235 7545 776 637
LN9 Horncastle Lincoln 9687 4435 466 379
LN10 Woodhall Spa Lincoln 5977 2697 229 189
LN11 Louth Lincoln 28197 12598 1349 1117
LN12 Mablethorpe, Sutton-on-Sea East Lindsey 13244 6361 519 438
LN13 Alford Lincoln 7801 3376 391 328
LN1 Lincoln city centre, Stow West Lindsey 28261 12211 1067 872
LN2 Nettleham, Ermine & St Giles Estates West Lindsey 38730 16454 1494 1080
LN3 Lincoln Lincoln 8884 3850 596 284
LN4 Branston, Canwick, Coningsby, Dunston, Heighington, Nocton, Washingborough, Timberland, Martin North Kesteven 38539 16126 1306 1065
LN5 Waddon Lincoln 32968 14189 1522 992
LN6 Doddington Park, Birchwood, North/South Hykeham Lincoln 57576 23920 1708 1418
LN7 Market Rasen Lincoln 6042 2610 291 253
LN8 Market Rasen Lincoln 17235 7545 776 637
LN9 Horncastle Lincoln 9687 4435 466 379
LN10 Woodhall Spa Lincoln 5977 2697 229 189
LN11 Louth Lincoln 28197 12598 1349 1117
LN12 Mablethorpe, Sutton-on-Sea East Lindsey 13244 6361 519 438
LN13 Alford Lincoln 7801 3376 391 328