Postcode Area CO

Postcode Area CO covers the areas in Colchester. There is a total of about 17506 postcodes in CO out of which 12935 postcodes are active and deliverable. CO has an approximate population of 411411 and 176939 households. CO contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 32 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in CO.

32 Active Districts in Postcode Area CO

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
CO1 Colchester Colchester 15333 7528 1035 600
CO2 Colchester Colchester 34768 13601 1131 923
CO3 Colchester Colchester 28502 12063 1378 804
CO4 Colchester Colchester 47821 18794 1621 1079
CO5 Colchester Colchester 28207 12058 1158 924
CO6 Colchester Colchester 28541 11706 1387 1008
CO7 Wivenhoe, Great Bentley Colchester 32912 14018 1512 1208
CO8 Bures Colchester 2282 976 137 121
CO9 Halstead Braintree 25189 10748 1112 874
CO10 Sudbury Babergh 46604 20497 2291 1578
CO11 Manningtree Tendring 12978 5614 619 506
CO12 Harwich Tendring 22251 9751 770 613
CO13 Frinton-on-Sea Tendring 12280 5750 515 403
CO14 Walton On The Naze Tendring 6660 3236 261 225
CO15 Clacton-on-Sea Tendring 43475 20266 1712 1338
CO16 Clacton-on-Sea Tendring 23608 10333 867 731
CO1 Colchester Colchester 15333 7528 1035 600
CO2 Colchester Colchester 34768 13601 1131 923
CO3 Colchester Colchester 28502 12063 1378 804
CO4 Colchester Colchester 47821 18794 1621 1079
CO5 Colchester Colchester 28207 12058 1158 924
CO6 Colchester Colchester 28541 11706 1387 1008
CO7 Wivenhoe, Great Bentley Colchester 32912 14018 1512 1208
CO8 Bures Colchester 2282 976 137 121
CO9 Halstead Braintree 25189 10748 1112 874
CO10 Sudbury Babergh 46604 20497 2291 1578
CO11 Manningtree Tendring 12978 5614 619 506
CO12 Harwich Tendring 22251 9751 770 613
CO13 Frinton-on-Sea Tendring 12280 5750 515 403
CO14 Walton On The Naze Tendring 6660 3236 261 225
CO15 Clacton-on-Sea Tendring 43475 20266 1712 1338
CO16 Clacton-on-Sea Tendring 23608 10333 867 731