Postcode Area LD

Postcode Area LD covers the areas in Llandrindod Wells. There is a total of about 2622 postcodes in LD out of which 2206 postcodes are active and deliverable. LD has an approximate population of 50225 and 22291 households. LD contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 16 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in LD.

16 Active Districts in Postcode Area LD

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
LD1 Llandrindod Wells Llandrindod Wells 11158 5118 570 423
LD2 Builth Wells Llandrindod Wells 5645 2486 317 286
LD3 Brecon, Talgarth Llandrindod Wells 19501 8401 1017 864
LD4 Llangammarch Wells Llandrindod Wells 817 373 61 55
LD5 Llanwrtyd Wells Llandrindod Wells 1105 486 77 71
LD6 Rhayader Llandrindod Wells 2857 1307 132 116
LD7 Knighton Llandrindod Wells 4738 2141 242 200
LD8 Presteigne Llandrindod Wells 4404 1979 206 191
LD1 Llandrindod Wells Llandrindod Wells 11158 5118 570 423
LD2 Builth Wells Llandrindod Wells 5645 2486 317 286
LD3 Brecon, Talgarth Llandrindod Wells 19501 8401 1017 864
LD4 Llangammarch Wells Llandrindod Wells 817 373 61 55
LD5 Llanwrtyd Wells Llandrindod Wells 1105 486 77 71
LD6 Rhayader Llandrindod Wells 2857 1307 132 116
LD7 Knighton Llandrindod Wells 4738 2141 242 200
LD8 Presteigne Llandrindod Wells 4404 1979 206 191