Postcode Area UB

Postcode Area UB covers the areas in Southall. There is a total of about 11282 postcodes in UB out of which 7083 postcodes are active and deliverable. UB has an approximate population of 371413 and 126879 households. UB contains 0 non-geographic postcodes.

There are 24 active districts and 0 inactive/non-deliverable districts in UB.

24 Active Districts in Postcode Area UB

District Area Covered Region Population Households Total Postcodes Active Postcodes
UB1 Southall Ealing 40346 11419 1166 613
UB2 Southall Ealing 32365 9671 732 500
UB3 Hayes, Harlington Hillingdon 48474 16057 1611 923
UB4 Yeading, Hayes Hillingdon 39573 13294 966 697
UB5 Northolt Ealing 45703 16748 1325 827
UB6 Greenford, Perivale Ealing 51088 17382 1322 842
UB7 West Drayton, Harmondsworth, Sipson, Yiewsley, Longford Hillingdon 29749 11101 952 623
UB8 Uxbridge, Cowley, Hillingdon Hillingdon 36152 12704 1488 864
UB9 Denham, Harefield South Buckinghamshire 14336 5979 607 427
UB10 Hillingdon, Ickenham Hillingdon 33625 12523 919 684
UB11 Stockley Park Hillingdon 2 1 137 28
UB18 Non-geographic Ealing 57 55
UB1 Southall Ealing 40346 11419 1166 613
UB2 Southall Ealing 32365 9671 732 500
UB3 Hayes, Harlington Hillingdon 48474 16057 1611 923
UB4 Yeading, Hayes Hillingdon 39573 13294 966 697
UB5 Northolt Ealing 45703 16748 1325 827
UB6 Greenford, Perivale Ealing 51088 17382 1322 842
UB7 West Drayton, Harmondsworth, Sipson, Yiewsley, Longford Hillingdon 29749 11101 952 623
UB8 Uxbridge, Cowley, Hillingdon Hillingdon 36152 12704 1488 864
UB9 Denham, Harefield South Buckinghamshire 14336 5979 607 427
UB10 Hillingdon, Ickenham Hillingdon 33625 12523 919 684
UB11 Stockley Park Hillingdon 2 1 137 28
UB18 Non-geographic Ealing 57 55